
Sunday, July 27, 2014

MMBP! (Mammoth Mountain Bike Park)

Since getting back into mountain biking we have ridden here quite a bit. Ok, not entirely human powered, but then I'm not really an idealist. Its not the destination, its the ride.

Joannie's video edit

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Puttering about locally

Horsethief canyon hike 6/27

10 miles and about 3000 ft elevation gain hike hike to the top of Wade peak. Topaz pulled a fast one on me. She snuck her snack into my pack so she didn't have to carry hers...

Granite Lake Hike 6/29 

4 miles and not much elevation gain.

Joannie pointing out a previous hike she had done.

Granite Lake

Bear Valley kayak and mountain bike 6/30 -7/1

Doug got away solo for a couple days of mountain goodness.

I think we are even going to join the 4th of July crowd up at Tahoe on the trails this week!??

July 4th, Emigrant Trail ride

Fourth of July ride near Truckee.

July 6th
High Meadows Loop via Cold Creek, Star Lake, Freel pass, Armstrong Pass, Cedar Trail and Powerline back to High Meadow TH.

Tough ride.

July 22
Stagecoach to Monument Pass out and back