
Thursday, February 21, 2019

A Spot in Arizona

Feb 2019
Up to our eyebrows in mud around the house we decided to go visit our son who had recently moved to Mesa near Phoenix. Coincidentally I had just received my new Spot Rollik mountain bike I had been waiting 6 months for. Timing is everything. Day 1 Was McDowell Mountain trails. Joannie and Kirk did a short hike and I took my new bike out for its inaugural ride.

Joannie and Kirk went hiking

I tried my new bike

Day 2. I went to South Mountain to try some harder trails while Joannie and Kirk went to the Aquarium.

We spent another day in Phoenix on it which rained, and rained and snowed on the hills. Movie day.

Then we started back home but we stopped in Boulder City NV for another couple of days so I could ride a little more. So ride day 3 was at Bootleg Canyon. The final ride day I headed up to the Cowboy trails which ended up being a bit too snowy and muddy from the storms. So we headed back toward Boulder City and ended up at the Anthem Trails in Henderson. Easy but scenic. Joannie took Wyatt for a walk. Now we're home and it's snowing, and muddy. I miss Arizona already!