Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Adventures In DIY


As you may know if you follow our You Tube Channel, our moto is "Every Adventure Is Worthwhile" Here's an adventure of a different sort and something you've never seen in this blog before. 

We were met by 100+ degree temps on our return from Alaska. I've been threatening to do a DIY install of a mini-split for a couple of years. Seeing the inside house temp at 90 on the thermostat was the straw that broke the camels back. Being of the handy sort but master of nothing, (you know, jack of all trades - master of none), I spent a couple days googling and watching way too many you tube videos but finally ordered a unit. I ran the electrical and installed the outside disconnect while waiting for the unit to arrive. It happens that we had quite a few obstacles for our installation and it certainly wasn't as straight forward as ANY of the videos but the process was the same. Lots of measuring ensued and a few days later we had AC, for the first time ever. Maybe I can continue to live here for awhile longer.

Down the hatch!


Now what?

Something's missing...

The only possible location

Hey! Something I know how to do!

Flat corner. A tricky bend.

More junk

I only needed 6 ft. Not supper helpful that it only comes in 75' ft 

That's what's missing. An outside 90. Back to Amazon...

Stupid fence.

All set up.

Amazon part actually worked!

Finished and painted.

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